Making Lemonade: Sharing Sights, Sounds, and Stories from La Limonada

Unfortunately I haven't had much time to blog this week, BUT I am super excited to share that my friends over at Lemonade International are more than making up for my absence.Lemonade International is a really cool organization that partners with the community of La Limonada (which literally means Lemonade) in Guatemala City. I respect their thoughtful, heartfelt approach to community development and definitely think they're worth checking out.   Picture 1And lucky for us, this week a group of bloggers are visiting and writing and sharing and capturing incredible images and stories that highlight the joy and pain, the gifts and the challenges, of partnering with people from one of the toughest areas in the slums of Guatemala to foster healing and hope for the future.I hope to one day visit for myself, but until then I will drink in the stories and details and reflections from this group of passionate and talented bloggers and artists and thinkers who are so generously giving us a glimpse into the incredible work taking place in this resilient community.


Photos from 2013 Bloggers Trip Photographer Scott Bennett

Just a taste of my favorite reflection so far comes from Katie Høiland's post, Day 1: Violence and the Aroma of Christ:

"As we debriefed tonight, the Director of Lemonade International reflected on the ‘power of presence’ to bring healing and follow the example of Jesus. When Jesus wept, he entered into the pain of death and gave relationship. Before offering the answer of resurrection to the problem, he entered in and acknowledged the suffering. By imitating Christ in this way, Tita and her team are visible signs of the same resurrection power. They are proclaiming in word and action the love of Christ causing hate to die. As 2 Corinthians 2:14 says, “Thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.” I could almost smell it." 

To read more reflections from the Lemonade International Blogger team (Tim Høiland, Katie Høiland, Paul BurkhartDana Byers and Scott Bennett) and enter into in to the sights and sounds and stories of La Limonada, click HEREAnd I actually happen to be real life friends with Tim and Katie and Scott. I love their blogs, love their hearts, and love their work.  So please please please check them out and check out Lemonade International. Believe me, these stories will leave you far more refreshed then spending another evening developing an inferiority complex from mindlessly browsing wedding and baby and food photos on Facebook or Instagram. You won't be sorry.

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