
I'm late, I know. Forty-three hours and 38 minutes late, to be exact. My mind's been spinning in a sea of Spanish and I missed last week's Five Minute Friday. Heck, I missed blogging at all last week.But I'm back. I'm parked into life in Antigua. And I'm in. I'm committed to a new year of writing and reflecting. Of sharing the moments, the thoughts, the good and the hard.So back to Friday. To just five minutes of free writing. To a manageable chunk of writing to start the week. I missed the flash mob, but I kind still find inspiration. So here's five minutes of free writing on the theme: dive.IMG_1781DIVEWith the waves of life and loss and transition, I dive for cover.I’m caught in the riptide of failure and leaving.I forget diving doesn’t have to be bad. Doesn’t have to be drowning. You can dive into something better, greater, different.Diving doesn’t have to be hiding; it can be soaring.I can plunge into the waves with my own legs and arms.Diving is about choice.All day long I allow my thoughts to swan dive into negativity. I dip into the dark corners of escape, ignoring those around me, the life around me, the gifts around me.OR I could dive into Love.Fall forward into love.I could dive into gratitude.I could dive into joy.The choice is mine.The choice, too, is yours.


An About Face


It's Our Birth Day (Five Minute Friday)