Saved By Semantics

Today I am crazy excited to share that I have post up at one of my favorite sites, Burnside Writers Collective--on the rotating home page, no less!  

"As much as I’d like to think I was smart enough to market God to myself, the truth is that it happened not by my own intelligence or trickery or marketing skills, but in yet another Fit of Unwarranted Compassion that I can neither explain or claim as my own."

Please check out the full article, Saved by Semantics: A Conversation with Love, and join in my journey to discover the God of Love, the God who IS Love. 

And, if you like what you read, please pass it along the interwebs. I will be back to my regularly scheduled blogging when I return to my new life in Guatemala next week. 
Thanks for joining in the excitement!

T.S. Tuesday: A Discussion on Whimsy and Dance


T.S. Tuesday: Recovering What Was Lost